Recovering From Starseed Fatigue 1/8/24

Join Saira Francis online via Zoom for a  Recovering From Starseed Fatigue Healing Meditation
Thursday 1st August 2024 7.30-8.45pm £6


Have you been feeling completely exhausted over recents weeks, months?
There are new energies and light codes coming through to our beautiful planet at this time, that are affecting us on a deep cellular level.

Replay available to watch forever sent to you straight after the live zoom.



Many souls have come to Earth at this time to support us through what the Hopi’s have called The Great Purification as we move through the 26,000 & 13,000 year cycles of the Precession of the Equinoxes.
Everyone is being upgraded to a higher light frequency within them. If you have been called to be here on Earth at this time, to fulfil your soul purpose as a Starseed, a Lightworker or Warrior to assist in the transition from the age of darkness to a new age of Light, then you will be feeling this exhaustion and depletion very strongly at the moment.
This healing meditation has been channelled to me by my angels and guides who are asking me to assist you in recovering from this utter fatigue.
We will move through your energy field, clearing blockages and allowing energy to flow through you more freely, helping the new light codes integrate into your field so you can move through this process of upgrade, more swiftly and feel more ready, abundant and alive so you can be of service to the Light and help the planet and humanity as you are here to do.
What to expect from an online meditation:
I will send distant healing that you can receive wherever you are.
The session will be recorded and available for you to watch anytime. The healing intention will reach you whenever you watch.
Just book your space to receive the replay.

If you can’t make the day or time, book anyway and you’ll get a replay straight after the live zoom and then a permanent online link to watch on demand forever whenever you like x


I hope you can join me! Much love Saira


Join the Facebook Event for this meditation for
more info and to stay in touch 


The Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group on Facebook,

Feel free to join my Healing Group the Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group where your name is then added to my healing list, I send most days.

Please also listen to some previous meditations where the healing is received whenever you listen here 

Feel free to get in touch to request specific healing or to ask for it to reach friends and family.

Some of what others have said after joining me for a distant healing guided meditation

Here’s what some of those who joined a healing in 2023 straight after the healing came to a close on zoom:

Manjeet –  That was so beautiful. Thank you! 🙏❤️🤗
Pam – Thank you Saira!
Angela – Thanks so much xx
Shivani – That was awesome! thank you so much Saira x
Sammy – thank you xx
Jo – Thank you xxx
Tania – Many thanks, this was so powerful x
Katie – Thank you Saira xx
Debs – Wonderful, thank you so much 💓
Marina -Thank you Saira 🥰
Kelly – Thank you so much, that was beautiful. Lots of love and thanks xxx
Sara -Thank you Saira … much love xx
Sarah – Beautiful! Thank you Saira 🙂
Penny – Thank you, so beautiful x
Patricia – Thank you sooo much, Beautiful!!✨
Jacqueline -Thank you 💕💕💕🌸🌸🌸
Janet’s -Thanks so much, Saira xx
Beccy – Thank you, it was beautiful. The colours of blue I saw were amazing. xxx
Sara – Good night everyone … sleep well.  Yes my dogs enjoyed the healing too. xx

More feedback from my distant healings:

Thank you so much for yesterday’s wonderful session. You created such a beautiful healing space, I am going through quite a lot at the moment and it was exactly the calm that I needed. 🌈 It was lovely to meet you and really looking forward to joining future sessions. Thank you for the beautiful healing 🙏 “Kat

“Many thanks for this healing offering tonight. It was beautiful and full of love! I do hope to meet you soon in person x” Tania

Wow saira-that hit me straight away, I could feel my throat tighten and my tears building. I needed to hear that, I needed to feel that-I felt like I was really stretching out for it. This for me is one of your absolute best and I think it will be the place I keep going back too. Thank you for such amazing words Saira and a place I need to be now showing me faith! I feel so emotional xxx” Emma,

“Wow! So powerful. Can’t remember the last time I sobbed so much. A much needed release indeed.  Thank you for sharing this xx” Rob

“Hi. I just wanted to thank you for your recent angelic meditation recording. I saved it a while ago but only just had some quiet time today to listen to it. It was absolutely beautiful and even though I didn’t realise it before, I needed it so badly. I had tears rolling down my cheeks during it. Thank you so much” Anon 

“I just wanted to thank you for the healing last night. I have been in pain for a few days now. After the meditation, which I actually slept through, my pains have all disappeared! See you again soon! xxxAnt 

Young woman meditating with her eyes closed, practicing Yoga with hands in prayer position.

Are you in a narcissistic relationship? Podcast with Saira

I am passionate about opening up the conversation on narcissistic relationships and toxic abuse.

Last week, Sarah Chave invited me onto her inspiring New Earth Podcast to discuss this topic. Are you in a Narcissistic Relationship?

We talked about the signs that indicate you might be in a narcissistic relationship, how it can affect you, and how the micro of our one-to-one toxic connections reflects the macro of toxic corruption and dark energy in the wider world.

I also shared my insights into how many are awakening to the truth about our world just as many are realising they are in narcissistic or toxic relationships. The two phenomena seem to mirror each other and are part of us all waking up to the trauma we hold, both individually and collectively, in our society.

We then discussed how we can transform this toxicity and darkness into light. I shared my thoughts on how unity consciousness, New Earth vibrations, and building our communities could, I believe, shine light and heal narcissism and controlling bullying in our world. Although we cannot reach the top-down structures of government, industry, and the powerful—and often feel helpless about that—we can reach our friends, neighbours, and colleagues and support them in their healing.

Recognising that “I do not consent”, standing up for ourselves, having strong boundaries, and saying “no” to bullying behaviour, mistreatment, cruelty, and narcissism is vital if we are to heal humanity. The place to start is exactly where we are, in our own direct lives.

I also shared my work with the vagus nerve and how we can use vagus resets to heal from the anxiety and trauma often left after an experience with a narcissist or toxic person.

Watch the video on YouTube here.

In this week’s enthralling episode, Sarah will be speaking with Saira Francis about narcissistic relationships and how to identify bullying or narcissistic traits.

Saira endured a tumultuous 25-year cycle of narcissistic and toxic abuse, resulting in a diagnosis of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Rather than succumbing to this trauma, she has dedicated the past two years to seeking healing. Through a deep dive into the study of the Vagus Nerve, practical methods to support the nervous system, and various other modalities, she’s embarked on a journey of recovery.

Please enjoy and share.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, love Saira x

What is the vagus nerve and why does it need resetting?


What is the vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is a vital part of our nervous system; it connects the brain stem to the digestive system and is key to bringing us out of the fight-flight response into rest and digest, where we can begin to relax, let go, and chill out.

Stress, anxiety, and trauma disorders are something a lot of us have to deal with and heal at some point in our lives. So much is now being discovered to help us find ways to release these issues in our bodies, and looking into how to help reset the vagus nerve is just one of many techniques that can have a powerful effect on how we feel, ultimately bringing us all to a place where we can feel better.

This nerve runs from the brain stem down to the tongue, vocal cords in the back of the throat, through the lungs, diaphragm, liver, spleen, large intestine, small intestine, pancreas, kidneys, ending as a ball of nerve endings in the stomach.

On its way down through the organs, it picks up signals from the body that can help it either encourage rest and digest responses or fight-flight. For example, if we are breathing slow and deep, that will send a signal that we are relaxed and all is well; if the breathing is shallow and quick, the signal will be read very differently.

The vagus nerve regulates the internal organs’ function, digestion, heart and respiratory rate, and more. Stimulating your vagus nerve can send a chemical message to your body that it’s time to de-stress and relax after periods of stress.

The vagus nerve is so important to our health and wellbeing. It sends signals to all our internal organs and if it’s functioning well and balanced, it can be intrinsic and encouraging our fight-flight response to calm and allow us to deeply rest.

Life is stressful for the majority of us, in one way or another; stress triggers are a natural part of life, but it’s about being able to rebalance after an event or situation that caused our levels to increase. The vagal nerve needs to be well-toned and functioning in order for us to be able to return to our balance point each time we are set off into stress.

If you suffer from any kind of anxiety or trauma disorder, it’s very likely your vagus nerve will be struggling. With these types of conditions, such as complex PTSD, PTSD, panic attacks, etc., you cannot get back to your balance point and remain in a ‘survival’, ’emergency’ nervous system stress state most of the time. For you, resetting the vagus nerve could bring powerful healing over time and be a part of your healing, recovery journey.

Watch Saira’s vagus nerve reset video on YouTube here.



How can we help the vagus nerve reset?


Yoga really helps to reset this nerve, just by practising a good, all round yoga class will be helping you to relax and aid the balancing out of the nervous system, so vital to our health.

There are particular ways of practising poses and movements in yoga that can stimulate this more deeply though, these are poses that work particularly around the neck, throat, chest and heart as this is where the nerve runs past on its way from the brain to the gut.


Anything that stimulates the back of the throat, helps the vagus nerve. Slow deep breathing, Ujyayi breath, Brahmari (humming bee) breath are just a couple that can help.

Chanting and Singing

Stimulating the vocal chords brings balance to the vagus, in the same way as deep breathing, chanting OM repeatedly, its super simple to chant on your own or singing along to any tune, joining a choir or Kirtan group could help greatly. Singing loudly is the key!

Cold Therapy

The benefits of cold water are many, but the practice really helps to stimulate the vagus nerve. Check out Wim Hof to be inspired about the cold. Cold showers, sea swimming, ice baths (under supervision) or just splashing your face with cold water, all help to stimulate this nerve and bring greater to balance and wellbeing.

Other practices include, meditation, yoga nidra, yin yoga and restorative yoga, mindfulness and practicing mudra (hand gestures that are often part of a yoga practice)

If you want to dive deeper into the vague nerve, take a look at our brand new Vagus Nerve Reset and Healing residential yoga retreat in Charmouth, Dorset. I’m so excited to bring this new retreat to you.

Learn to reset your nervous system and discover ways to heal yourself through:

  • Yoga and sound healing
  • Breathwork and guided meditation
  • Wild swimming, nature bathing, vegan meals and using the indoor pool.

There are still some spaces available to join us on the summer solstice – Tuesday 18th – Thursday 20th June. Learn more here. 

The retreat will be held at: Bonhays Farm, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset, DT6 6RF

Book your space.

Awareness & Discernment on the Spiritual Path


Awareness and discernment are vital on a spiritual path. I hope you find my blog on this subject helpful, avoiding spiritual bypassing, magic wand and saviour complex mentalities and more.

I would urge any one on a spiritual path, to be very wary of any teacher or healer, who suggests they have a magic wand that can heal you of all your suffering and remove anything toxic from your life with one simple (but possibly expensive) wave of it!
Spirituality is about our inner work, it is hard, raw and takes time and patience. Healers are facilitators of your own healing, they do not actually ‘do’ the healing for you, they help you to do what you can do very well alone. A healer who is authentic will tell you they can help you fix yourself, not that they can fix you alone.
The ‘saviour’ complex can be dangerous, when a spiritual teacher really believes that they are a saviour of your/our soul and as their own ego becomes more and more inflated and their cheerleaders become more and more in number, their toxic behaviours will also increase.
There are more toxic and abusive people in the spiritual community than we realise. It’s a honeypot for narcissists to get their supply for example, as a narc loves a cheerleader! These people are quite dangerous and its important to do your research, ask around, get to know someones reputation, not just online as an online presence is easy to create as being all about the love, then behind the scenes a persons claims are false and they are detroying people, leaving a wake of broken victims behind them.
If you are sure that you are not trying to bypass your own shadow and spiritual work, if you are sure you are not buying into someones claims to have a magic wand for you, then you will be more discerning in who you choose to allow into your energy and into your soul.
Toxic spiritual teachers and ‘healers’ pray on the vulnerable, making a fortune out of people who are desperate for help. If you are vulnerable, you need to be extra careful you are not being further damaged by someone, who is leading you into spiritual bypassing and the hurt this can create in you long term.
For example – an abused woman who is praying to her angels and paying a healer for a miracle to change her abusive husband and make him be kind to her, actually needs to work on herself to find the strength to get up, pack her bags and leave to find safety, rather than staying trapped in her home hoping that angels, fairies and dragons will make it all be ok.
Find podcasts, books and teacher who can help you break out of the spiritual bypassing bubble that many manipulative, abusive and dangerous people are using for their own ego inflation and bank accounts.
Don’t turn away from spiritual practises either, our journey is a complex one, with a  need for regular review on where we stand, who we have allowed in and where we need better boundaries. A spiritual path is so rich and healings working with the higher realms, angelic kingdoms and spirit guides can be hugely beneficial to our lives and help us greatly, just constant awareness and discernment, continuous reflection and review in order not to get misled or mistreated by the sad fact that, toxic people live in all areas of life.
With love and guidance…GuRu – someone who guides you from dark to light, falsehood to truth, poison to nectar.

Activate Your Awakening Watch Online


This workshop was held on zoom in December 2023, you can now buy and watch the 4.5 hour workshop via a private youtube link anytime by using the Stripe checkout below. The link will be on the checkout confirmation page and all other instructions are in the youtube link.

Stripe takes you to a checkout via The Light Spa 

Any problems just contact Saira 

Saira has been aware of Angelic Presences in her life since 1998 and has been working with energy healing since 2004. She has felt called to pass on guidance to others, about how to connect and tune in to the subtle energies around us, to our higher selves, our soul. Saira has been teaching Reiki to students for many years and this course would benefit anyone who is already working with the healing modalities, or who wishes to increase their connecting to the Angelic Realms.

  • Seeing through the Veil of Reality
  • Connecting with Spirt & Working with the Akashic Records
  • Practical Guidance to Connect to your Higher Soul
  • Hearing your Angels, Spirit Guides and Light Team
  • Trusting your Intuition
  • Working with Subtle Energies 
  • Awaken your Third Eye Pineal Gland
  • Activate your Awakening Meditation
  • Clearing Past Life Traumas from Previous Incarnations as a Healer
  • Becoming Fully Awakened and Being of Service to Light
  • LOTS of practical exercises, breathwork, activations from my Angelic Team plus Clearing for Past Life Lightworker Wounds plus MORE! 
  • Full Course Recording for you to keep and Full Manual via PDF  

This workshop will be very helpful for anyone working to Clear Karma though the Akashic Records, Past Life Healings and any Energy Healing Work for yourself or with others.

Buy and watch online £33


A shorter 1 hour version of this Awakening Workshop will be a part of the Akashic Record Clearing Training with Adrian Lee in Dorset on 28th October 2023 and online on 18th November 2023, to book those trainings please go direct to Adrians website here


Activate Your Awakening Meditation

Saira works with beautiful Light-beings, Angels and Archangel Metatron, her angelic team will take you through  a powerful several exercises, healings, clearings and an Activation Meditation during this workshop, to ignite your inner Light, activate the Light Codes within your DNA to bring a greater and more abundant connection to you on the day and in the days, weeks and months afterwards.

I thought I would share some of the blog posts I have written over the past few years for you to read if you’d like to know more about my own journey with Awakening over the past 25 years. Its not necessary for the course! But if you would like to get to know me better xxx

Blog posts from 2020 to date:

My Spiritual Journey

A Spiritual Awakening 

The Long Way Around 

Channeled Journals

An Un-Telling of Earth, A New Story 

A Guidebook for the New Aquarian Age – Community

A Guidebook for the New Aquarian Age – Technology

Reaching the Oceanic Consciousness 

Contemplation; A Catalyst for Awakening


Seeing through the Veil of Reality

When it is our time to connect through the veil of this reality and witness first hand, the Divine in action through us, it happens spontaneously and can not be forced. With guidance, wisdom, commitment and release of the egoic mind, we can move closer to the subtle energies around us, connecting through our Third Eye and finding what is naturally given to all of us, but lost for many in our dense, material world.

You do not need to be chosen or special to awaken yourself spiritually, we are all awake if we wish to be, it is just many have lost their connection to their True Self, their Awareness.

If it is your time to fully wake up, as it is for so many on the planet at this time of mass awakening, the guidance in this workshop will help bring that to you in all the magic, wonder and healing that it brings.

Working with Subtle Energies

Saira will share ways to work with past life healing, subtle energy release and tuning in to hear messages from your Angels. Guidance of how to clear negative, unwanted energies from your self, others and your space, home and land. How to see, hear and sense messages, guidance and wisdom from the Light.
How to be discerning about what you are connecting to, working with our own shadow energies within, to ensure we are connecting only to Light and not allowing ourselves to be corrupted as we open up to the spiritual realms.
Trusting yourself is vital if you are to open up fully to the Light, learning to follow your intuition, whilst holding yourself in full awareness is key to flowing freely with the abundant spiritual guidance available to us all on Earth and through the Cosmos.

Awaken your Third Eye

During this workshop, Saira will guide you through practical ways to open up your Spiritual Third Eye Chakra to begin connecting to your intuition, psychic ability, spirt guides and Light-beings.

Your Pineal Gland is the centre of awareness and consciousness within us all, there are many ways we can awaken this hidden, mysterious part of ourselves and you will find out all about this part of you, behind your eyes and will begin to fully connect to the ability to spiritually see, within us all. The Pineal Gland can be ‘calcified’ through many environmental and day to day actions in our lives, knowing what to do and how to reverse this blocking of this mystical connector, will help you find a way to your Higher Self more easily and simply.

Clearing Past Life Traumas from Previous Incarnations as a Healer

Many star seeds who have been sent to Earth at this time to help us transition into the New Aquarian age, are suffering with past life trauma from previous incarnations where they were persecuted, brutalised, killed, tortured, or ridiculed for their healing abilities and energy work. There have been many periods in human history where large numbers of spiritual individuals, groups and communities have been wiped out by political and religious sects.
These energetic imprints of trauma have caused some currently here on Earth, to back away from fully embracing their abilities as he has, many are deeply afraid to come out and act on the awakening that is happening for them, preferring to stay quiet or completely feeling in denial that they are able to connect to the more subtle energies and help others with their healing abilities. This is clearing during the workshop, will help you to feel your password tonight around this area, Helping you to fully embrace yourself as an energy worker and light worker, helping you to fully fulfil your sole purpose here in this life as a Starseed, and fully release all trauma and discomfort around becoming a part of the awakened spiritual, Healing community that is ever growing on our planet at this time.

Being of Service to Light

Making a commitment to being of service to Light is a major step in anyones spiritual journey. We can commit to being a channel to Light and allowing ourselves to be cleared, cleansed and purified of all that stands in the way of us being the greatest channel we can be.
Offering ourselves up wholly and completely is a beautiful experience of deep surrender, trust and faith in the Divine, life can move into a Divine Flow, allowing ourselves to be taken on a blissful journey of self-healing and transformation as we align ourselves in Light and into the Cosmos through all timelines and planes of existence.



Prayers For Peace Milton Abbas 30th Oct 2pm

Join us at St Catherines Chapel, in the woods above Milton Abbey, close to Steeptonbill Farm Shop, Milton Abbas Dorset to share a Prayers For Peace, Silent Meditation, holding intentions for Peace On Earth.

If you can’t join us please tune in and send prayers from wherever you are at 2pm, the power of group intention is strong x

Gathering at this beautiful sacred place to sit in community and share space for Prayers For Peace.
We will be there from 1.45pm and will sit together from 2-3pm we will then have tea and cake at the farm shop. You are welcome to join us for as much or as little as you can, come anytime, leave anytime you are so welcome.
There are seats in the chapel but you might like to bring a camp chair or cushion, blanket etc, a candle and any other offerings you wish to, flowers etc.
We will simple sit, Saira will open the session with a guided heart connection meditation and close the meditation.
Please contact Saira on 07809 141815 if you want anymore detail otherwise just turn up.
Parking is limited, you can park in St Catherines Well residential road and walk down or in Milton Abbey visitors car park is the lane next to the farm shop is full up.

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse From Your Akashic Records with Saira

clearing narcissistic abuse

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse from your
Akashic Records


You missed this live event, there will be more! But you can still buy and listen to a recording and I am sure it will help you greatly.

Link below to purchase a link to the meditation for £5


Watch the meditation intro here

Clearing meditation and distant healing for survivors of narcissistic abuse. To bring cleansing and energy field releasing. For anyone who has suffered abuse and bullying from a narcissist, clearing the toxic imprints and thought forms this can leave in a person and releasing all karmic cords and contracts or agreements that you might have with this person/people. Clearing the Akashic Records and Re-Writing your Books of Life with new energies to help your Soul Ascension.


Since sharing this Clearing Narcissistic Abuse Meditation in July 2023 I have been given further guidance and wisdom to help release you from this karmic cycle in relationships and wish to share this with you again more abundantly than the last xx
Many souls who have come to Earth at this time, to help our transition from the 3D old world reality into a new 5D brighter more heart centred dimensional space, have had to learn very difficult lessons during their lifetimes, by being in relationship with people who suffer with narcissism.
These relationships, have been a source of great insight and an opportunity for deep shadow work and karmic release for many of these people who are Empaths and are here to hold and carry Light.
There has also been a great damage done to these souls, who carry a lot of self blame and shame as they tend to lack strong boundaries and tend to want to rescue others, stay loyal to others despite mis-treatment and are very susceptible to taking on and blaming themselves for others abuse of them and making excuses rather than asking for accountability for another poor treatment of them.
Calling on the Lemurian Christ Healing Rays we will bring in Light healing to activate a deep soul healing for all who attend this meditation, asking that the abusers energy imprint is released from your energy field and that all negativity is cleansed and transmuted.
This clearing narcissistic abuse meditation will leave you feeling lighter and more able to move on from these relationships, this healing will work well for anyone who is doing deep work to release themselves – Creating stronger boundaries, listening more closely to ‘red flags’ releasing all imprints of self-sacrifice, rescuing and misguided loyalty by releasing childhood traumas, self enquiry, psychotherapy, shadow work as well as energy healing and trauma recovery.

More about this Clearing Narcissistic Abuse Healing

I will send distant healing and it will be received by you wherever you are, the session will be available to watch anytime and the healing intention will reach you whenever you watch.
I’ve been working with healing since 2004 and have recently been introduced to the Lemurians and their Christ Healing Rays, that came through on 11th January 2023 as the comet drew closer to Earth and brought this blessing of Light with it.
These new codes are very beautiful, extremely simple to work with and release deep karmic wounds and shadow energies that might be interfering with your life in this current dimensional space here on Earth.
Since starting these zoom online healings April 2020, I have had so many wonderful stories of how they have helped you and as each one is recorded and you can watch again anytime, I know many of you watch over and over again when one has resonated with you deeply.

Archangel Metatron has  also been guiding me for some time now, sharing ways to help you all with new techniques and tools to bring you greater and more abundant healing at this time.

This is a deep, pure, intense vibrational work, using Sacred Geometry and working through multi-dimensions to bring you healing on many frequency levels, clearing past life traumas, blocks, contracts, entities, cords and anything that is standing in the way of you releasing and being able to feel lighter, more free, peaceful and ultimately, I hope, happy.

Each of you will be brought in and held in Light, I will then process through the Healing Rays and you are very likely to feel energy moving through you as you sit or lie to enjoy the session.

I have shared all the previous Distant healing meditations recordings on my Youtube, please check them out the healing will be received by you whenever you watch/listen, enjoy!

All are welcome, all are freely and abundantly held in Light.

Please feel free to get in touch to let me know any specific needs for healing light each week.

Join the Facebook Event for this meditation for
more info and to stay in touch 


The Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group on Facebook,

Feel free to join my Healing Group the Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group where your name is then added to my healing list, I send most days.

Please also listen to some previous meditations where the healing is received whenever you listen here 

Feel free to get in touch to request specific healing or to ask for it to reach friends and family.

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse

Some of what others have said after joining me for a distant healing guided meditation

Here’s what some of those who joined the last healing on 30th March 2023 said straight after the healing came to a close on zoom:

Manjeet –  That was so beautiful. Thank you! 🙏❤️🤗
Pam – Thank you Saira!
Angela – Thanks so much xx
Shivani – That was awesome! thank you so much Saira x
Sammy – thank you xx
Jo – Thank you xxx
Tania – Many thanks, this was so powerful x
Katie – Thank you Saira xx
Debs – Wonderful, thank you so much 💓
Marina -Thank you Saira 🥰
Kelly – Thank you so much, that was beautiful. Lots of love and thanks xxx
Sara -Thank you Saira … much love xx
Sarah – Beautiful! Thank you Saira 🙂
Penny – Thank you, so beautiful x
Patricia – Thank you sooo much, Beautiful!!✨
Jacqueline -Thank you 💕💕💕🌸🌸🌸
Janet’s -Thanks so much, Saira xx
Beccy – Thank you, it was beautiful. The colours of blue I saw were amazing. xxx
Sara – Good night everyone … sleep well.  Yes my dogs enjoyed the healing too. xx

More feedback from my distant healings:

Thank you so much for yesterday’s wonderful session. You created such a beautiful healing space, I am going through quite a lot at the moment and it was exactly the calm that I needed. 🌈 It was lovely to meet you and really looking forward to joining future sessions. Thank you for the beautiful healing 🙏 “Kat

“Many thanks for this healing offering tonight. It was beautiful and full of love! I do hope to meet you soon in person x” Tania

Wow saira-that hit me straight away, I could feel my throat tighten and my tears building. I needed to hear that, I needed to feel that-I felt like I was really stretching out for it. This for me is one of your absolute best and I think it will be the place I keep going back too. Thank you for such amazing words Saira and a place I need to be now showing me faith! I feel so emotional xxx” Emma,

“Wow! So powerful. Can’t remember the last time I sobbed so much. A much needed release indeed.  Thank you for sharing this xx” Rob

“Hi. I just wanted to thank you for your recent angelic meditation recording. I saved it a while ago but only just had some quiet time today to listen to it. It was absolutely beautiful and even though I didn’t realise it before, I needed it so badly. I had tears rolling down my cheeks during it. Thank you so much” Anon 

“I just wanted to thank you and Annabelle for the healing last night. I have been in pain for a few days now. After the meditation, which I actually slept through, my pains have all disappeared! See you again soon! xxxAnt 

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse


The Troubling Rise of False Awakening on Social Media

The Rise Of False Awakening & Fake Gurus

I remember a time, around a decade ago, when yoga exploded in popularity on Instagram. Back then, a troubling trend emerged, as the platform became flooded with images of skinny women contorting into impressive poses or striking bikini-clad asanas. As a yoga teacher, I felt an obligation, along with many other teachers around the globe, to try to guide people to the practice and set straight  that this superficial display had very little to do with the true essence of yoga.

Now, I find a similar phenomenon taking place in the realm of spiritual awakening, especially on social media. People are abundantly sharing images and videos of themselves in supposed “spiritual” moments, mimicking the same insincerity and pretence as those yoga images from the past. It’s concerning to witness a surge of self-proclaimed spiritual gurus who are having what can be called a ‘False Awakening’ and it can dangerous for those seeking spiritual support, to end up in the hands of these fake gurus via social media, in the same way as it was so sad to see the true essence of yoga so deeply diluted all those years ago.

True spirituality, working as a healer, a light-worker and helping others, isn’t something that can be squeezed into a photo shoot or an instagram post. Authentic awakening is a deeply personal and transformative journey that moves beyond the superficiality of social media. It’s essential for us to be mindful and cautious about encouraging such self-proclamation, as it perpetuates a culture of toxic behavior on these platforms.

Our constant exposure to social media deeply affects our psyche, influencing how we engage and interact with others. Rather than celebrating those who self-proclaim grandiosity, we should value and acknowledge those who have truly impacted others’ lives through their healing, light, or energy work. Recognition and praise should come from the genuine transformations and positive changes they have brought about, not from self-aggrandizing declarations.

Surely anyone who is working with energy and trying to help others, can only be proclaimed as ‘amazing’, ‘beautiful’, ‘powerful’ or a ‘leader’ by those who have been helped by him/her, not by themselves?!

Self Promotion or Self Proclamation?

Let’s differentiate between self-promotion, which is necessary for small business owners to thrive and inspire, and self-proclamation, which reeks of toxicity and delusion. No one can declare themselves an enlightened being or a spiritual leader. True recognition comes from years, even decades, of selfless service and genuine impact on others.

Spirituality and awakening aren’t theatrical performances. They’re raw, challenging, and often messy processes that require hard work and inner growth. Awakening involves profound shifts in our perception of reality, peeling back the layers of illusion to reveal the truth beneath the surface. It’s a deeply transformative journey that shatters the illusions of our culture, society, and systems, leaving us with a newfound understanding of our existence.

As a society, let’s steer away from applauding empty declarations and instead focus on fostering genuine spiritual growth and awakening. Let’s value the rawness and beauty of the real journey, and encourage true healers and lightworkers to shine, not through self-proclaimed grandeur, but through their genuine impact on others’ lives.


ZOOM Clearing Narcissistic Abuse From Your Karmic Energy Field with Saira 19/7/23

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse from your
Karmic Energy Field


Clearing meditation and distant healing narcissistic abuse. To bring cleansing and energy field releasing, For anyone who has suffered abuse and bullying from a narcissist, clearing the toxic imprints and thought forms this can leave in a person and releasing all karmic cords and contracts or agreements that you might have with this person/people.
You will get a replay to watch anytime if you can’t make the date, please sign up to get the replay link.
Zoom replays go out straight away you’ll then a link to a private youtube replay that will last forever.
Many souls who have come to Earth at this time, to help our transition from the 3D old world reality into a new 5D brighter more heart centred dimensional space, have had to learn very difficult lessons during their lifetimes, by being in relationship with people who suffer with narcissism.
These relationships, have been a source of great insight and an opportunity for deep shadow work and karmic release for many of these people who are Empaths and are here to hold and carry Light.
There has also been a great damage done to these souls, who carry a lot of self blame and shame as they tend to lack strong boundaries and tend to want to rescue others, stay loyal to others despite mis-treatment and are very susceptible to taking on and blaming themselves for others abuse of them and making excuses rather than asking for accountability for another poor treatment of them.
Calling on the Lemurian Christ Healing Rays we will bring in Light healing to activate a deep soul healing for all who attend this meditation, asking that the abusers energy imprint is released from your energy field and that all negativity is cleansed and transmuted.
This meditation will leave you feeling lighter and more able to move on from these relationships, this healing will work well for anyone who is doing deep work to release themselves – Creating stronger boundaries, listening more closely to ‘red flags’ releasing all imprints of self-sacrifice, rescuing and misguided loyalty by releasing childhood traumas, self enquiry, psychotherapy, shadow work as well as energy healing and trauma recovery.


Donations can be made 



More about this Clearing Narcissistic Abuse Healing

I will send distant healing and it will be received by you wherever you are, the session will be available to watch anytime and the healing intention will reach you whenever you watch.
I’ve been working with healing since 2004 and have recently been introduced to the Lemurians and their Christ Healing Rays, that came through on 11th January 2023 as the comet drew closer to Earth and brought this blessing of Light with it.
These new codes are very beautiful, extremely simple to work with and release deep karmic wounds and shadow energies that might be interfering with your life in this current dimensional space here on Earth.
Since starting these zoom online healings April 2020, I have had so many wonderful stories of how they have helped you and as each one is recorded and you can watch again anytime, I know many of you watch over and over again when one has resonated with you deeply.

Archangel Metatron has  also been guiding me for some time now, sharing ways to help you all with new techniques and tools to bring you greater and more abundant healing at this time.

This is a deep, pure, intense vibrational work, using Sacred Geometry and working through multi-dimensions to bring you healing on many frequency levels, clearing past life traumas, blocks, contracts, entities, cords and anything that is standing in the way of you releasing and being able to feel lighter, more free, peaceful and ultimately, I hope, happy.

Each of you will be brought in and held in Light, I will then process through the Healing Rays and you are very likely to feel energy moving through you as you sit or lie to enjoy the session.

I have shared all the previous Distant healing meditations recordings on my Youtube, please check them out the healing will be received by you whenever you watch/listen, enjoy!

All are welcome, all are freely and abundantly held in Light.

Please feel free to get in touch to let me know any specific needs for healing light each week.


Join the Facebook Event for this meditation for
more info and to stay in touch 



The Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group on Facebook,

Feel free to join my Healing Group the Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group where your name is then added to my healing list, I send most days.

Please also listen to some previous meditations where the healing is received whenever you listen here 

Feel free to get in touch to request specific healing or to ask for it to reach friends and family.

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse



Some of what others have said after joining me for a distant healing guided meditation

Here’s what some of those who joined the last healing on 30th March 2023 said straight after the healing came to a close on zoom:

Manjeet –  That was so beautiful. Thank you! 🙏❤️🤗
Pam – Thank you Saira!
Angela – Thanks so much xx
Shivani – That was awesome! thank you so much Saira x
Sammy – thank you xx
Jo – Thank you xxx
Tania – Many thanks, this was so powerful x
Katie – Thank you Saira xx
Debs – Wonderful, thank you so much 💓
Marina -Thank you Saira 🥰
Kelly – Thank you so much, that was beautiful. Lots of love and thanks xxx
Sara -Thank you Saira … much love xx
Sarah – Beautiful! Thank you Saira 🙂
Penny – Thank you, so beautiful x
Patricia – Thank you sooo much, Beautiful!!✨
Jacqueline -Thank you 💕💕💕🌸🌸🌸
Janet’s -Thanks so much, Saira xx
Beccy – Thank you, it was beautiful. The colours of blue I saw were amazing. xxx
Sara – Good night everyone … sleep well.  Yes my dogs enjoyed the healing too. xx

More feedback from my distant healings:

Thank you so much for yesterday’s wonderful session. You created such a beautiful healing space, I am going through quite a lot at the moment and it was exactly the calm that I needed. 🌈 It was lovely to meet you and really looking forward to joining future sessions. Thank you for the beautiful healing 🙏 “Kat

“Many thanks for this healing offering tonight. It was beautiful and full of love! I do hope to meet you soon in person x” Tania

Wow saira-that hit me straight away, I could feel my throat tighten and my tears building. I needed to hear that, I needed to feel that-I felt like I was really stretching out for it. This for me is one of your absolute best and I think it will be the place I keep going back too. Thank you for such amazing words Saira and a place I need to be now showing me faith! I feel so emotional xxx” Emma,

“Wow! So powerful. Can’t remember the last time I sobbed so much. A much needed release indeed.  Thank you for sharing this xx” Rob

“Hi. I just wanted to thank you for your recent angelic meditation recording. I saved it a while ago but only just had some quiet time today to listen to it. It was absolutely beautiful and even though I didn’t realise it before, I needed it so badly. I had tears rolling down my cheeks during it. Thank you so much” Anon 

“I just wanted to thank you and Annabelle for the healing last night. I have been in pain for a few days now. After the meditation, which I actually slept through, my pains have all disappeared! See you again soon! xxxAnt 

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse


Activate Your Pineal Gland – Third Eye Centre

activate pineal gland


Your Pineal is a tiny gland situated behind your eyes, so why is it so important we focus on ways to activate the pineal gland and on its healthy function?

See also Part 1 – Detox Your Pineal Gland, Third Eye Centre.
Part 3 – Reconnecting to Mother Earths Heartsong
Part 4 – Finding the Bliss within, when Chaos surrounds us

What are we missing and how do we know its missing?

The problem with the pineal is that we don’t actually realise there is a problem! We are missing something that we don’t know is missing. How can we, when we live in a society where Divine Connection, living in harmony with Mother Nature and trusting our deep instincts are not considered relevant or a priority for us?

In yoga, we know the pineal as the Third Eye Chakra or Ajna, it is the seat of our spiritual awareness. In Part 1 we looked out how an unhealthy pineal can create sleep problems, stress and disease.

An unhealthy Third Eye centre can result in a feeling of uncertainty, confusion, jealously can be an issue and an attitude of cynicism and pessimism can prevail.  When the Third Eye is working harmoniously and is beautifully open, we can have more clarity, trust our intuition, feel empathy for others and be more focussed and decisive in life.

When we work to Activate the Pineal Gland, we can move into deeper realms of human connection. Feeling more at one with the natural world and a true part of it and beginning to let go of our ego and create a spiritual life instead.

See Part 1 for more information on DMT, secreted by the pineal and vital for anyone wishing to enhance their imagination, visualisations, lucid dreaming, astral projection, meditation and open up the inner portal to higher spiritual realms.

activate pineal gland

How to Activate the Pineal Gland

We worked with pineal activation meditation and yoga during our yoga classes in January 2022. If you missed the classes try this:


  • Clear your mind and completely relax
  • Breath deeply and connect to your inhale and exhale
  • Become aware of the blank screen behind your closed eyes, your Chidakasha
  • Imagine a pure white light within your head, behind your closed eyes.
  • Hold the inner intention that this light is activating your pineal and the visionary chemicals within


  • All yoga practice can help the pineal, but some poses specifically target this area
  • Anjaneyasana – low lunge – hold – place the palms together and touch thumbs to the third eye centre
  • Parsvottonasana – hold – Right foot forwards, left foot back with hips aligned to the front of the mat and hips square, fold forwards, chin towards the shin, gaze to big toe, hands can be behind the back or lower to the floor. Keep awareness to the third eye. Change sides
  • Janu Sirasana – sit with right foot tucked into the left thigh, fold forwards keeping awareness to the third eye. Change sides.
  • Baddha Konasana – sit with soles of the feet togethe and fold forwards, awareness to the third eye.
  • Viparati Korana – legs up the wall, lie with legs up the wall or onto a chair

activate pineal gland

Sun Gazing

Take time to research this practice further and decide if its right for you. We are discouraged from looking at the sun at all but absorbing the energy of the sun directly into the eyes can have profound effects on the pineal gland.


A beautiful exercise practise, Qigong translates to mean “life energy cultivation” or “energy skills”. The movements and flows are designed to increase sensitivity to energy flow with the body, the chi, or qi, we call it prana in yoga. These will all help to activate and flow energy to the third eye centre.

activate pineal gland

Binaural Beats

Do a search on any music streaming service, youtube etc and find a really good recording that resonates for you. Listen with headphones and listen often.

Binaural beats are a tone created in the brain when it is presented with two different frequencies at the same time.

In 1839, a Prussian physicist named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered that if you play one frequency in one ear, and a different one in the other, then your brain cleverly creates a new frequency, the difference between that in your left ear, and that in your right and focuses on this new frequency. This, the difference between the two, is the binaural beat.

What’s interesting and lies behind meditation music, focus music or sleep music  is that you can use binaural beats to help you find a certain sound to change your state of mind.

You can do this by listening, for example, to a tone of 410hz in your left ear and 400hz in your right ear – meaning your brain will make up the difference and hear an imaginary tone of 10hz.

This tone is the binaural beat.

At that very low-frequency, you can’t actually hear a sound. But you don’t need to be able to hear the sound for your brain to be affected by it.

And if you’re feeling sluggish and need some focus music to up your brain’s tempo and make you fire on all cylinders, then your brain needs focus music that provides an imaginary tone of a high – level frequency to help it do this.

There are five major types of brainwaves:

  • Gamma – Your brain produces Gamma brainwaves to heighten your mental ability. At this higher frequency (above 40hz) they are also associated with conscious perception, fear and problem solving.
  • Beta – Your brain produces beta brainwaves when you’re a state of high alert. With your beta brainwaves in action, you’re able to do those complicated, analytical tasks at work, make decisions and concentrate well. Beta waves are fast, with a higher frequency (between 15-40 hertz). At the higher levels of this range, beta waves are associated with anxiety.
  • Alpha – Your brain produces Alpha brainwave patterns when you’re awake and relaxed, but still alert. Your brain probably reaches this state in your regular yoga class or when you’re in the middle of a creative project, since these Alpha brainwaves are associated with meditation, and also with our ability to be creative. Numbers wise, these alpha waves are slower and lower in frequency (between 9-14 hertz).
  • Theta – This brainwave pattern is associated with deep relaxation and with some stages of sleep, including the lighter stages of non-REM (NREM) sleep. REM sleep itself is mostly composed of beta wave and other activity that’s similar to an alert, waking brain. Deep meditation produces theta waves, which are slower and of lower frequency (between 5-8 hertz) than Alpha waves. That murky barrier between sleep and wakefulness, when you’re drifting in and out of sleep, and your thoughts feel dreamlike and difficult to remember? That’s a theta-dominant state of consciousness.
  • Delta – When you’re really, properly, deeply asleep, then your brain produces very slow, delta waves (between 1.5-4 hertz).

Working with Binaural Beats will help to activate your pineal gland while you lie and relax.

DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine)

Again, its best to do your own research if you are thinking of working further with DMT, it is secreted naturally by the pineal and many of us are able to activate it through meditation and spiritual practises. There are many fascinating books on the historic use of psychedelics to create this activation and Shamans all over the globe are still actively working with this spiritual connection.

Try books by Graham Hancock, his book Supernatural goes into this subject deeply. Also Brian Muraresku’s The Immortality Key and Jeremy Narbys classic DNA and the Cosmic Serpent. Also try DMT The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman for lots more on this.

activate pineal gland


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