Activate Your Pineal Gland – Third Eye Centre

activate pineal gland


Your Pineal is a tiny gland situated behind your eyes, so why is it so important we focus on ways to activate the pineal gland and on its healthy function?

See also Part 1 – Detox Your Pineal Gland, Third Eye Centre.
Part 3 – Reconnecting to Mother Earths Heartsong
Part 4 – Finding the Bliss within, when Chaos surrounds us

What are we missing and how do we know its missing?

The problem with the pineal is that we don’t actually realise there is a problem! We are missing something that we don’t know is missing. How can we, when we live in a society where Divine Connection, living in harmony with Mother Nature and trusting our deep instincts are not considered relevant or a priority for us?

In yoga, we know the pineal as the Third Eye Chakra or Ajna, it is the seat of our spiritual awareness. In Part 1 we looked out how an unhealthy pineal can create sleep problems, stress and disease.

An unhealthy Third Eye centre can result in a feeling of uncertainty, confusion, jealously can be an issue and an attitude of cynicism and pessimism can prevail.  When the Third Eye is working harmoniously and is beautifully open, we can have more clarity, trust our intuition, feel empathy for others and be more focussed and decisive in life.

When we work to Activate the Pineal Gland, we can move into deeper realms of human connection. Feeling more at one with the natural world and a true part of it and beginning to let go of our ego and create a spiritual life instead.

See Part 1 for more information on DMT, secreted by the pineal and vital for anyone wishing to enhance their imagination, visualisations, lucid dreaming, astral projection, meditation and open up the inner portal to higher spiritual realms.

activate pineal gland

How to Activate the Pineal Gland

We worked with pineal activation meditation and yoga during our yoga classes in January 2022. If you missed the classes try this:


  • Clear your mind and completely relax
  • Breath deeply and connect to your inhale and exhale
  • Become aware of the blank screen behind your closed eyes, your Chidakasha
  • Imagine a pure white light within your head, behind your closed eyes.
  • Hold the inner intention that this light is activating your pineal and the visionary chemicals within


  • All yoga practice can help the pineal, but some poses specifically target this area
  • Anjaneyasana – low lunge – hold – place the palms together and touch thumbs to the third eye centre
  • Parsvottonasana – hold – Right foot forwards, left foot back with hips aligned to the front of the mat and hips square, fold forwards, chin towards the shin, gaze to big toe, hands can be behind the back or lower to the floor. Keep awareness to the third eye. Change sides
  • Janu Sirasana – sit with right foot tucked into the left thigh, fold forwards keeping awareness to the third eye. Change sides.
  • Baddha Konasana – sit with soles of the feet togethe and fold forwards, awareness to the third eye.
  • Viparati Korana – legs up the wall, lie with legs up the wall or onto a chair

activate pineal gland

Sun Gazing

Take time to research this practice further and decide if its right for you. We are discouraged from looking at the sun at all but absorbing the energy of the sun directly into the eyes can have profound effects on the pineal gland.


A beautiful exercise practise, Qigong translates to mean “life energy cultivation” or “energy skills”. The movements and flows are designed to increase sensitivity to energy flow with the body, the chi, or qi, we call it prana in yoga. These will all help to activate and flow energy to the third eye centre.

activate pineal gland

Binaural Beats

Do a search on any music streaming service, youtube etc and find a really good recording that resonates for you. Listen with headphones and listen often.

Binaural beats are a tone created in the brain when it is presented with two different frequencies at the same time.

In 1839, a Prussian physicist named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered that if you play one frequency in one ear, and a different one in the other, then your brain cleverly creates a new frequency, the difference between that in your left ear, and that in your right and focuses on this new frequency. This, the difference between the two, is the binaural beat.

What’s interesting and lies behind meditation music, focus music or sleep music  is that you can use binaural beats to help you find a certain sound to change your state of mind.

You can do this by listening, for example, to a tone of 410hz in your left ear and 400hz in your right ear – meaning your brain will make up the difference and hear an imaginary tone of 10hz.

This tone is the binaural beat.

At that very low-frequency, you can’t actually hear a sound. But you don’t need to be able to hear the sound for your brain to be affected by it.

And if you’re feeling sluggish and need some focus music to up your brain’s tempo and make you fire on all cylinders, then your brain needs focus music that provides an imaginary tone of a high – level frequency to help it do this.

There are five major types of brainwaves:

  • Gamma – Your brain produces Gamma brainwaves to heighten your mental ability. At this higher frequency (above 40hz) they are also associated with conscious perception, fear and problem solving.
  • Beta – Your brain produces beta brainwaves when you’re a state of high alert. With your beta brainwaves in action, you’re able to do those complicated, analytical tasks at work, make decisions and concentrate well. Beta waves are fast, with a higher frequency (between 15-40 hertz). At the higher levels of this range, beta waves are associated with anxiety.
  • Alpha – Your brain produces Alpha brainwave patterns when you’re awake and relaxed, but still alert. Your brain probably reaches this state in your regular yoga class or when you’re in the middle of a creative project, since these Alpha brainwaves are associated with meditation, and also with our ability to be creative. Numbers wise, these alpha waves are slower and lower in frequency (between 9-14 hertz).
  • Theta – This brainwave pattern is associated with deep relaxation and with some stages of sleep, including the lighter stages of non-REM (NREM) sleep. REM sleep itself is mostly composed of beta wave and other activity that’s similar to an alert, waking brain. Deep meditation produces theta waves, which are slower and of lower frequency (between 5-8 hertz) than Alpha waves. That murky barrier between sleep and wakefulness, when you’re drifting in and out of sleep, and your thoughts feel dreamlike and difficult to remember? That’s a theta-dominant state of consciousness.
  • Delta – When you’re really, properly, deeply asleep, then your brain produces very slow, delta waves (between 1.5-4 hertz).

Working with Binaural Beats will help to activate your pineal gland while you lie and relax.

DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine)

Again, its best to do your own research if you are thinking of working further with DMT, it is secreted naturally by the pineal and many of us are able to activate it through meditation and spiritual practises. There are many fascinating books on the historic use of psychedelics to create this activation and Shamans all over the globe are still actively working with this spiritual connection.

Try books by Graham Hancock, his book Supernatural goes into this subject deeply. Also Brian Muraresku’s The Immortality Key and Jeremy Narbys classic DNA and the Cosmic Serpent. Also try DMT The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman for lots more on this.

activate pineal gland


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