Are you in a narcissistic relationship? Podcast with Saira

I am passionate about opening up the conversation on narcissistic relationships and toxic abuse.

Last week, Sarah Chave invited me onto her inspiring New Earth Podcast to discuss this topic. Are you in a Narcissistic Relationship?

We talked about the signs that indicate you might be in a narcissistic relationship, how it can affect you, and how the micro of our one-to-one toxic connections reflects the macro of toxic corruption and dark energy in the wider world.

I also shared my insights into how many are awakening to the truth about our world just as many are realising they are in narcissistic or toxic relationships. The two phenomena seem to mirror each other and are part of us all waking up to the trauma we hold, both individually and collectively, in our society.

We then discussed how we can transform this toxicity and darkness into light. I shared my thoughts on how unity consciousness, New Earth vibrations, and building our communities could, I believe, shine light and heal narcissism and controlling bullying in our world. Although we cannot reach the top-down structures of government, industry, and the powerful—and often feel helpless about that—we can reach our friends, neighbours, and colleagues and support them in their healing.

Recognising that “I do not consent”, standing up for ourselves, having strong boundaries, and saying “no” to bullying behaviour, mistreatment, cruelty, and narcissism is vital if we are to heal humanity. The place to start is exactly where we are, in our own direct lives.

I also shared my work with the vagus nerve and how we can use vagus resets to heal from the anxiety and trauma often left after an experience with a narcissist or toxic person.

Watch the video on YouTube here.

In this week’s enthralling episode, Sarah will be speaking with Saira Francis about narcissistic relationships and how to identify bullying or narcissistic traits.

Saira endured a tumultuous 25-year cycle of narcissistic and toxic abuse, resulting in a diagnosis of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Rather than succumbing to this trauma, she has dedicated the past two years to seeking healing. Through a deep dive into the study of the Vagus Nerve, practical methods to support the nervous system, and various other modalities, she’s embarked on a journey of recovery.

Please enjoy and share.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, love Saira x

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