The Soul Spa @DorsetFest 22/6/24


Join Saira and a team of amazing local teachers and therapists at DorsetFest!
Saturday 22nd June 2024 – All day!

Dorsetfest has been a long running community festival event in Dorset for many years. Saira and others have teamed together to create a Holistic Zone many times and its been wonderful to meet and connect with so many of you there.

This year we are expanding! Expect day long yoga classes and sound healing as well a tent full of incredible therapists offering you 15 – 30 minute therapies to a backdrop of more sound healing!

Just buy your tickets for Dorsetfest below from £15pp, camping Friday – Sunday is available and then come along and find us on the day!

Saturday starts at 9.30am with a Yoga for Family/Everyone class with Saira, then great classes happening all day, see the flier above.

No need to pre-book we’d love to know you are joining so drop Saira a message here  otherwise just turn up.

Sessions are £5pp or just £15pp for an all day pass, come and see us all day! Therapies are extra and start at £10 a session.



Summer Solstice Celebration Sound Healing & Gong 27th June 2024

summer solstice sound healing

Join me for a beautiful way to celebrate with a Summer Solstice Sound Healing!

Book Now 

The midway point of the Wheel of the Year is here, lets come together in our community and share the height of light together

Thursday 27th June 2024 7-9pm £18pp
Moreton Village Hall, Dorset DT2 8RE

Celebrate the Wheel of the Year turning once again to bring us to Summer Solstice. Enjoy a blissfully relaxing and deeply healing Beltane sound healing immersion with 7 Chakra Singing Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls and the Gong.

Meditations, poetry and chants to help us connect to the traditional ways of ritual and ceremony to honour this midway point and to celebrate fertility of mother earth and growth to renewal.

Ending the evening with delicious vegan cakes and chai tea. A beautiful way to come together and share space in our amazing Dorset community.

Join us for a magical evening, we will throw open the lovely big doors here that open onto the field and spend time bare foot outside meditating and setting our energetic intentions and release to the skies.
Schedule for the evening:

6.45pm Arrive at Moreton Village hall
7pm Opening meditation and mantra chanting
7.15pm Tibetan & Crystal Bowls followed by Gong Bath
8.30pm Herbal Chais & teas and cakes
9pm Evening ends

Book This Summer Solstice Sound Healing Now 

summer solstice sound healing

Reiki Share Evening in Dorchester 31/5/24

Join Saira for an evening of Reiki Healing!Friday 31st May 6.30-8.30pm £10 (£5 concessions)

Everyone is welcome if you have learnt at least Reiki Level I, you do not need to have been taught by me everyone is welcome this will be a lovely community evening of reiki healing for all.


We will gather have some circle sharing time then we will move to therapy couches to  share healing together in small groups . Each person will receive 10-15 minutes of healing depending on many of us join on the night.
We’ll then have nice tea and some biscuits to end if you would like to stay after the share.
I’ll also share some sound healing with crystal singing bowls for you all too!
To book please get in touch and then just turn up with £10 cash for the evening.
I am a Reiki Master Teacher and have been working with energy for over 20 years. I teach workshops to 100’s of students each year and offer courses regularly, Reiki, Third Eye Awakening & Akashic Records.
Hope to see you soon!

Beltane Celebration Sound Healing & Gong 3rd May 2024

beltane sound healing

Join me for a beautiful way to celebrate with a Beltane Sound Healing, the Festival of Fire! The midway point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.
Traditionally a festival of fertility renewal and birthing of new!

Friday 3rd May 2024 7-9pm £18pp
Beltane Celebration Gong Bath with Saira
Moreton Village Hall, Dorset DT2 8RE


Celebrate the Wheel of the Year turning once again to bring us to Beltane. Enjoy a blissfully relaxing and deeply healing Beltane sound healing immersion with 7 Chakra Singing Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls and the Gong.

Meditations, poetry and chants to help us connect to the traditional ways of ritual and ceremony to honour this midway point and to celebrate fertility of mother earth and growth to renewal.

Here we stand midpoint between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice!

Ending the evening with delicious vegan cakes and chai tea. A beautiful way to come together and share space in our amazing Dorset community.

Book This Beltane Celebration Now 

Save the date! Thursday 27th June 2024 7-9pm for Summer Solstice Sound Healing with Saira! Bookings open soon X

beltane sound healing


Book This Beltane Celebration Now 

Discover Your Starseed Superpower! Online Zoom 25/4/24

Join Saira Francis online via Zoom to Discover Your Starseed Superpower
Thursday 25th April 2024 7-8.30pm £6

Access And Read Your Akashic Records to discover your superpower
Bring Cleansing Healing to your Karmic Energy Field & Soul Plasma Body to fully embrace your Soul Mission here on Earth at this profound transitionary time.

Replay available to watch forever sent to you straight after the live zoom.


Many souls have come to Earth at this time to support us through what the Hopi’s have called The Great Purification as we move through the 26,000 & 13,000 year cycles of the Precession of the Equinoxes.
We move from the Kingdom of the World/Individual Consciousness to the Kingdom of Heaven/Unity Consciousness, from the Kali Yuga/Age of Darkness to the Satya Yuga/Age of Truth.

As we travel through a part of the cosmos called the ‘Galactic Sheet’ or ‘Photon Belt’ we are being transformed by rays of abundant high frequency Light (photons are high frequency light particles, photons = knowledge) We are being awakened to our true wisdom and many are rapidly gaining great understandings about who we are, why we are here, where we came from and where we might be heading.

Although much of our human existence remains a mystery and will for a long time to come, as we unravel the falsehoods that we’ve been given about our origins and begin the journey to discover our true identity, there is much to explore and if anything is known for sure, it is that until now we have known very little.

Think of us, like toads in a well, as they look up all they see is a small section of the blue sky above, lift them out of the well and our world is a complete wonder to them. We are currently like the toads, stepping out of the well and the very cusp of discovering all of the wonders of our humanness and the cosmos around us.

Starseeds, are souls who have volunteered to come back to the Earth plane to help this great transition into Light.

Each of us has a Starseed Superpower!

What might yours be?

Are you a healer, a herbalist, a speaker or leader, musician or singer? Sound healer or movement teacher? Are you here to write a book, a song, make a film or documentary? Perhaps you are here to grow a garden or a forest, travel or search the Earth for ancient mysteries and lost civilisations? Could you be a prophet, a mystic or an illuminary? Are you an astrologer, photographer, explorer or a psychic? Do you read cards or plant trees or can you do an awesome massage?!

The list of possible Starseed Superpower is endless, we need everybody and every type to help to rebuild our civilisation back the right way, heart centred, honest, community led and in unity consciousness.

How do we find out our Starseed Superpower?

The Akashic Records are a cosmic database, or library of everything that has ever happened to you, in any lifetime right back to your souls first incarnation, in all dimensions and planes of existence. Everyone has the ability to access their own Akashic Records and find out anything they wish to know!

All you need is a sincere heart, a pure intention to explore the records for your healing and for the highest and greatest good of your soul.

During this online meditation I will guide you to access your own Akashic Records and ask your Akashic Masters to show you your Starseed Superpower, you can then bring that sacred knowledge back and begin to work with you Guides and Angels to help manifest this opportunity to be of Service to Light in this dimension here and now.

If you can’t make the day or time, book anyway and you’ll get a replay straight after the live zoom and then a permanent online link to watch on demand forever whenever you like x

We will cleanse and heal anything that is blocking your pathway to truly stepping into your Superpower, clearing in the Goddess Waterfall that we find outside of your Akashic Temple, leaving your Akashic Records intact and not interfering with them in anyway. The gentle flow of the waterfall will purify your Soul Plasma Body of anything within your Karma from past lives that might be holding you back or causing you to feel afraid to truly enter your soul purpose here in this lifetime.

I hope you can join me! Much love Saira


Join the Facebook Event for this meditation for
more info and to stay in touch 


The Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group on Facebook,

Feel free to join my Healing Group the Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group where your name is then added to my healing list, I send most days.

Please also listen to some previous meditations where the healing is received whenever you listen here 

Feel free to get in touch to request specific healing or to ask for it to reach friends and family.

Some of what others have said after joining me for a distant healing guided meditation

Here’s what some of those who joined a healing in 2023 straight after the healing came to a close on zoom:

Manjeet –  That was so beautiful. Thank you! 🙏❤️🤗
Pam – Thank you Saira!
Angela – Thanks so much xx
Shivani – That was awesome! thank you so much Saira x
Sammy – thank you xx
Jo – Thank you xxx
Tania – Many thanks, this was so powerful x
Katie – Thank you Saira xx
Debs – Wonderful, thank you so much 💓
Marina -Thank you Saira 🥰
Kelly – Thank you so much, that was beautiful. Lots of love and thanks xxx
Sara -Thank you Saira … much love xx
Sarah – Beautiful! Thank you Saira 🙂
Penny – Thank you, so beautiful x
Patricia – Thank you sooo much, Beautiful!!✨
Jacqueline -Thank you 💕💕💕🌸🌸🌸
Janet’s -Thanks so much, Saira xx
Beccy – Thank you, it was beautiful. The colours of blue I saw were amazing. xxx
Sara – Good night everyone … sleep well.  Yes my dogs enjoyed the healing too. xx

More feedback from my distant healings:

Thank you so much for yesterday’s wonderful session. You created such a beautiful healing space, I am going through quite a lot at the moment and it was exactly the calm that I needed. 🌈 It was lovely to meet you and really looking forward to joining future sessions. Thank you for the beautiful healing 🙏 “Kat

“Many thanks for this healing offering tonight. It was beautiful and full of love! I do hope to meet you soon in person x” Tania

Wow saira-that hit me straight away, I could feel my throat tighten and my tears building. I needed to hear that, I needed to feel that-I felt like I was really stretching out for it. This for me is one of your absolute best and I think it will be the place I keep going back too. Thank you for such amazing words Saira and a place I need to be now showing me faith! I feel so emotional xxx” Emma,

“Wow! So powerful. Can’t remember the last time I sobbed so much. A much needed release indeed.  Thank you for sharing this xx” Rob

“Hi. I just wanted to thank you for your recent angelic meditation recording. I saved it a while ago but only just had some quiet time today to listen to it. It was absolutely beautiful and even though I didn’t realise it before, I needed it so badly. I had tears rolling down my cheeks during it. Thank you so much” Anon 

“I just wanted to thank you for the healing last night. I have been in pain for a few days now. After the meditation, which I actually slept through, my pains have all disappeared! See you again soon! xxxAnt 

Young woman meditating with her eyes closed, practicing Yoga with hands in prayer position.

International Women’s Day 8th March

International Women’s Day 8th March 2024

This women’s day I wanted to highlight two incredible women who are doing incredible work and have a connection to Mellulah.

Firstly, a retreat guest of mine Gowree Hampapur is taking her passion for women’s rights to Mysore in India to support Yoga Stops Traffick with 108 Sun Salutations, please support Gowree by making a donation to her Just Giving page here

Secondly, as Mellulah has had a connection with Morocco and I am about to head out to Morocco to check a yoga retreat venue that I’ll be running in November 2024, I wanted to highlight an award won by an incredible Moroccan mother, Rabha El Mayhar fighting for the rights of her child and recognised by the International Women of Courage Award

My dear friend Amanda McGregor, who will be wit me on the November retreat nr Tagazhout in Morocco edited the film made about Rabha called ‘Bastards’ and available to view via this link  

The charity working with families with children of unmarried mothers, completely unrecognised by Moroccan family laws and ostracised by society, is based just a few miles from our retreat in Agadir, so with all these connections it feels only right to remember the privilege of being a single mother here in the UK and the rights we take for granted.
Supporting other women is dear to my heart as many of you know, so please do take a moment to help raise awareness of Moroccan women and forward this on to others thank you.


Rabha El Haymar – Morocco
“Rabha El Haymar is a courageous Moroccan woman who successfully navigated her country’s legal system and fought to obtain, through a recourse provided by Morocco’s family code reform of 2004, recognition of her traditional marriage to spare her daughter a life of marginalization and discrimination as an undocumented child.  Ms. Haymar’s story became more than a personal triumph when she crossed paths with British film-maker Deborah Perkin and agreed for her story to be told in a documentary entitled “Bastards.”  Shown on Moroccan national television and film festivals around the world, “Bastards” raises awareness about the plight of mothers of undocumented children, and the Moroccan family laws allowing women like Ms. Haymar to seek justice.  Despite the heavy reputational cost of publicly sharing her story, Ms. Haymar believes doing so can encourage other women and lead to change. As King Mohammed VI calls for a new review of Morocco’s family code, Ms. Haymar’s case is now more relevant than ever.  She hopes that new reforms “will protect the rights of all women and children and empower them as full and equal citizens.”

Finally, I was grateful to be featured in Dorset Magazine’s yearly round up of Leading Ladies again this year and hope to continue sharing healing and love to you all again throughout 2024

Much love, Saira xx

Healing the Heart Chakra


Pebble heart at Mellulah

Centring, Opening and Cleansing the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is an energy centre, the most powerful of all the seven chakras, when we are closed in the heart, we are cutting ourselves off from the rich and everlasting peace, love and harmony that emanates from the universe.

The heart holds Samskaras, from this and previous lives that influence the way we behave, think and react to certain triggers in this life. These Samskaras can be cleared and released to give us more freedom and mental clarity through the practice of yoga.

A Samskara maybe created through a traumatic experience such as a lover betraying you, the death of a parent or child, losing money, health problems, there are many ways that these impressions can be created. There can also be positive Samskaras, from feeling great love, being blessed with a child, a happy marriage, abundance or good health.

What are Samskaras?

Samskaras are impressions left on the heart chakra from past Karmic experiences. We all have them, without them we would not be human, they are natural. Just as a garden always has weeds, the weeds will always come and we will want to uproot them. So we can uproot our Samskras through yoga, a union of body, mind and spirit. It would never be possible to rid ourselves of all Samskaras but we can work with the ones that challenge us most, the ones that keep forming and manifesting into our lives. e.g. if you had a Samskara held from a previous experience where you had been betrayed by a lover, you may keep attracting a similar experience to you so that you can eventually release and heal the blockage in your heart chakra. This can be painful but in the long run it will help you to move more freely through your soul journey.

The memory of why we have a particular Samskara may now be gone, if it has affected us from a past life we would not know the cause. But the impression on our heart is still there.

Samskaras are a part of the cycle of Karma:

> Action (Karma) > Impression (Samskara) > Tendency (Vasana) > Thought pattern ( Vritti) > Action (Karma)>

A Vasana is the effect of a Samskara. These are tendencies, or inclinations that are identifiable as our instinctive and emotional urges,  desires and feelings, whether they be negative or positive.

Vritti are the thought patterns that are created by the Vasana. Our thinking pattens (Vritti) are motivated by our tendencies (Vasana), we think to support our feelings. These Vritti form our patterns, our attitudes and our mental disposition.

Finally our Vritties lead us into action (Karma). We act out Karma because our mind tell us  through our Vritti to act, because that is how we will satisfy our desire (Vasana) which arose from an impression (Samskara) made in the mind from an earlier memory of an action.

So using the example of having a Samskara impression on the heart caused by a previous betrayal:

The wound wound would create a Vasana, an urge or desire to feel jealousy if our partner is close to another in any way, this Vasana would then create Vritti, thought patterns that make us think terrible things, negative thoughts of jealousy, letting the imagination run riot thinking of what could be going on between them, this could then lead to us acting out our Karma by reacting to our partner or the other person negatively. We could have an argument, push them away, get scared and behave badly in some way, end the relationship or seriously damage it, thus creating more Karma with that person and more Samsakara wound in our heart

We have many of the Karmic cycles continuing throughout our lives. According to Patanjali author of the yoga sutras  we must complete 36,000 cycles of creation before we can be released into Moksha, release from the cycle of Karma.

Can we control our Samskaras?

We can not control our past Samskaras because they have been created as a result of our actions, but perhaps we can stop our past Samskaras from controlling us.

The answer is in the practice of yoga which can help us to break the Karmic cycle at the Vritti level, so interrupting the thought patterns that cause us to act in particular ways, thus giving us new Karma and creating new Samskaras or adding to those we already have.

Patanjali defines yoga as this:

*Yoga is the restriction (control) of the fluctuations of consciousness*. So we must try to control our Chittavritti (the monkey mind/mind chatter) the various thoughts of the mind.

Patanjali explains there are 5 types of thoughts in the mind, some painful others painless:

1) thoughts about truth
2) thoughts based on incorrect perception
3) thoughts which have no basis in reality (day dreaming, verbal delusion, talking to oneself in ones mind or vocally and making no sense, having no basis in fact and uncontrolled imagination)
4) dream sleep state of mid
5) memories

By practising the 8 Limbs of Yoga we can attain the highest state of consciousness and be freed from ignorance and egocentricity, which are the cause of ones pain and suffering. One gains complete mastery of the mind and is absolutely no longer controlled by ones Samskaras.

1) Yamas: non violence, truthfulness, non stealing, self restraint, non covetousness
2) Niyamas: cleanliness, contentment, discipline,study, surrender to God
3) Asanas: yoga postures
4) Pranayama: breathing control
5) Pratyahara: sensory withdrawal
6) Dharana: concentration
7) Dhyana: meditation
8) Samdhi: state of ecstasy

By controlling the mind through yoga we can begin to control our Samskaras and release ourselves from cycles of Karma. When we feel the effect of a Samskara we can sit still, meditate and release the energy through our heart centres, this can feel uncomfortable and it is common for us to wish to distract ourselves from this pain. But by allowing it to move through us we can release it once and for all. We need also to refrain from reacting in any way when we are feeling the effects of a Samskara, stay still, sit and move to a place of peace, then decide the best way to deal with a situation or what needs to be said to a person involved, this way we are releasing a Samskara and by staying positive and peaceful we are not creating another.

Forgiveness and Compassion

Firstly, when we begin to understand the cycle of Karma, we can start to forgive ourselves. The cycle of Karma is universal, Divinely guided and destined by God alone. Our Karma is beyond powerful and beyond anything we can control, therefore we can find humility in knowing that our patterns and our behaviours are being caused by blocks in this Karma and not just by our own mistakes and weaknesses in this lifetime.

Forgive yourself and move instead to looking deeply at how to heal your Samskara blocks through the practice of yoga, choose to put time and effort into working at the Vritti level to be more aware and mindful of your thoughts, rather than spending time feeling guilty for your mistakes.

To help us clear the heart chakra further we can bring forgiveness and compassion where it is needed.

A vital part of cleansing the heart chakra is to forgive, this is a beautiful prayer that we will be working with:

Adding the name of the person you wish to work with to the blanks, repeat the first and second part out loud or in your mind for 3 minutes each, then lay down with your hands on your heart and repeat the third for 3 minutes:

1) I forgive ……. for all he/she has done to upset me.
2) I ask and I receive forgiveness for all I have to done to upset ……
3) I forgive myself, I dwell in Light, I dwell in Love.

Repeat daily to instil a sense of peace and compassion in your situation

(Forgiving others is not to allow ourselves to be mistreated. Forgiveness can take time and often there is a process to go through before the point of forgiveness is reached. Acknowledgement of hurt or damage to yourself or others, processing of healthy anger and shadow work, placing of boundaries to ensure we are protecting from others mistreatment of us, work to being self-empowerment to ensure we are acting in healthy ways and surrounding ourselves with kind, empathic people. Forgiveness can not and should not be rushed or forced as it can take away from these vitals stages of healing. Compassion in life is vital, but self compassion comes first)

A chant/mantra of self healing, humility, relaxation, protective grace, ecstatic joy and emotional relief.
Guru Guru Wahe Guru, projects the mind to the Infinite, the source of knowledge and ecstasy.
Guru Ram Das Guru means, the wisdom that comes as a servant of the Infinite this brings us guidance.
Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru

Listen to this beautiful healing chant on youtube xx

First written by Saira in November 2014 

Imbolc Celebration Sound Healing & Gong 1st Feb 2024

Join me for a beautiful way to celebrate Imbolc, the coming of Spring, the very beginning of new growth and the gentle warming of the Earth.

 Thursday 1st February 2024 7-9pm £18pp
Imbolc Celebration Gong Bath with Saira
Moreton Village Hall, Dorset DT2 8RE

“May the stirring of life underground, stir new dreams into life within you.

May the flames of inspiration and new growth be ignited within your Being.”

— Imbolc Blessing

Celebrate the Wheel of the Year turning once again to bring us to Imbolc. Enjoy a blissfully relaxing and deeply healing sound healing immersion with 7 Chakra Singing Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls and the Gong.

Meditations, poetry and chants to help us connect to the traditional ways of ritual and ceremony to honour beautiful point of potential and growth as winter draws to its close.

Here we stand midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, the Light is truly on its way!

Ending the evening with delicious vegan cakes and chai tea. A beautiful way to come together and share space in our amazing Dorset community.

Book This Imbolc Celebration Now 

Save the date! Sunday 24th March 2024 2-5pm for Spring Equinox Yin & Sound Healing with Sarah and Saira! Bookings open soon X


Book This Imbolc Celebration Now 

Awareness & Discernment on the Spiritual Path


Awareness and discernment are vital on a spiritual path. I hope you find my blog on this subject helpful, avoiding spiritual bypassing, magic wand and saviour complex mentalities and more.

I would urge any one on a spiritual path, to be very wary of any teacher or healer, who suggests they have a magic wand that can heal you of all your suffering and remove anything toxic from your life with one simple (but possibly expensive) wave of it!
Spirituality is about our inner work, it is hard, raw and takes time and patience. Healers are facilitators of your own healing, they do not actually ‘do’ the healing for you, they help you to do what you can do very well alone. A healer who is authentic will tell you they can help you fix yourself, not that they can fix you alone.
The ‘saviour’ complex can be dangerous, when a spiritual teacher really believes that they are a saviour of your/our soul and as their own ego becomes more and more inflated and their cheerleaders become more and more in number, their toxic behaviours will also increase.
There are more toxic and abusive people in the spiritual community than we realise. It’s a honeypot for narcissists to get their supply for example, as a narc loves a cheerleader! These people are quite dangerous and its important to do your research, ask around, get to know someones reputation, not just online as an online presence is easy to create as being all about the love, then behind the scenes a persons claims are false and they are detroying people, leaving a wake of broken victims behind them.
If you are sure that you are not trying to bypass your own shadow and spiritual work, if you are sure you are not buying into someones claims to have a magic wand for you, then you will be more discerning in who you choose to allow into your energy and into your soul.
Toxic spiritual teachers and ‘healers’ pray on the vulnerable, making a fortune out of people who are desperate for help. If you are vulnerable, you need to be extra careful you are not being further damaged by someone, who is leading you into spiritual bypassing and the hurt this can create in you long term.
For example – an abused woman who is praying to her angels and paying a healer for a miracle to change her abusive husband and make him be kind to her, actually needs to work on herself to find the strength to get up, pack her bags and leave to find safety, rather than staying trapped in her home hoping that angels, fairies and dragons will make it all be ok.
Find podcasts, books and teacher who can help you break out of the spiritual bypassing bubble that many manipulative, abusive and dangerous people are using for their own ego inflation and bank accounts.
Don’t turn away from spiritual practises either, our journey is a complex one, with a  need for regular review on where we stand, who we have allowed in and where we need better boundaries. A spiritual path is so rich and healings working with the higher realms, angelic kingdoms and spirit guides can be hugely beneficial to our lives and help us greatly, just constant awareness and discernment, continuous reflection and review in order not to get misled or mistreated by the sad fact that, toxic people live in all areas of life.
With love and guidance…GuRu – someone who guides you from dark to light, falsehood to truth, poison to nectar.

Reiki Share Evening in Dorset 8/2/2024


Join Saira for an evening of Reiki Healing!
Thursday 8th February 6.30-9.30pm £15pp
Limited to just 15 people
Evershot, Dorset – address and directions on booking x

We will gather for this reiki share evening in my cosy cottage in Evershot, Dorset. We will share healing together in small groups and then have nice tea and cake, I’ll also share some sound healing with crystal singing bowls for you all too!
I am a Reiki Master Teacher and have been working with energy for over 20 years. I teach workshops to 100’s of students each year and offer courses regularly, Reiki, Third Eye Awakening & Akashic Records.
Click these links to find out more about my spiritual courses and my own spiritual journey

Sign up for £15

Hope to see you soon!

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Stay in touch for updates and offers on all Yoga Classes, Retreats & Therapies