Day Retreats & Gong Baths

Every retreat and event is hosted by Mellulah founder Saira Francis .


If you are in need of a break from the day to day busy-ness and stresses of life, we have just the space for you. Sometimes just a few hours with us, on one of our yoga day retreats, can be all you need to recharge your batteries and feel better on the inside, going back to your life with a renewed energy that will help you cope and shine your Light more Brightly!

All Yoga Day Retreats & Gong Baths are held by Saira Francis, Mellulah has been established since 2011 and we have run over 20 retreats a year since then. Our passion and expertise in holding space for you to heal is something we are very proud of, please read some reviews from guests who return over and over again to find their bliss.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga, a delicious Vegan Lunch and an afternoon workshop of Sound Healing Gong Bath, Tibetan and Crystal Bowls, ending the day with Tea and Vegan Treats!


Thursday 8th August 2024 7-9pm £18pp
Lammas & Lions Gate Celebration Gong Bath with Saira
Moreton Village Hall, Dorset DT2 8RE

Spaces available 

Join me for a beautiful way to celebrate with Lammas & The Lions Gate Portal with Sound Healing!

The Wheel of the Year turns at Lammas and Lions Gate is a portal for manifestation , lets come together in our community and share together

Celebrate the Wheel of the Year turning once again to bring us to Lammas on 1st August and the Lions Gate which is a portal of opportunity open from 28th July – 12th August, peaking on 8th August It takes place when the sun is in Leo, the Earth, Orion’s Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius. Since the event happens when the sun is Leo season (the sign known for strength and determination), thus the name Lion’s Gate Portal.

Schedule for the evening:

6.45pm Arrive at Moreton
7pm Meditation, Mantra and Intention Setting For Beltane Energies
7.15pm Sound Healing with Bowls and Gong
8.45pm Vegan Cake Treats and Chai Tea
9pm Evening Ends



Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th August 9.15am – 7pm  From £99pp
Join my Finding Peace Nervous System Reset retreat as a day guest.
Springfield, Stoke Wake, Dorset

Saturday full booked £120
Sunday spaces £99

Join this weekend retreat as a day guest. Feel free to join from 9.15am to start yoga at 9.30am and stay right through until 7pm Saturday or 3.30pm Sunday including vegan lunch, tea and cake.

Let us help you Find Peace for a perfect nervous system reset yoga retreat weekend in this beautiful venue deep in the Dorset countryside close to Sherborne.

Are you in need of peace and quiet? A space away from it all? Do you need a nervous system reset, some space to breathe and simply be?


Schedule for the days:

9.30am Energising Vinyasa flow yoga with Saira
11.30am Plant based brunch
12pm Treatments, Spa and Chill/Walk/Read/Chat/Sleep!
2.30pm Heavenly Sound Healing
4pm  Tea &  Cake
5.30-7.00pm Yin/Restorative Yoga with Saira

9.30am Energising Vinyasa flow yoga with Saira
11.30am Plant based brunch
1pm Heavenly Sound Healing
2.30pm  Tea &  Cake
3.30pm Retreat ends


Thursday 12th September 2024 7-9pm £18pp
Autumn Equinox Celebration Gong Bath with Saira
Moreton Village Hall, Dorset DT2 8RE

Join me for a beautiful way to celebrate the Autumn Equinox  with blissful Sound Healing!

The Wheel of the Year turns once again so lets come together in our community and share together

Spaces available 

Schedule for the evening:

6.45pm Arrive at Moreton
7pm Meditation, Mantra and Intention Setting For Beltane Energies
7.15pm Sound Healing with Bowls and Gong
8.45pm Vegan Cake Treats and Chai Tea
9pm Evening Ends


Wednesday 25th September – spaces 
10-4pm  £88pp
Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens, Dorset
Tranquility Yoga & Sound Healing Day Retreats

Simply one of the most stunning gardens in the South West

Join Saira at this beautiful Subtropical Paradise
We will share a Vinyasa flow yoga practice together in the marquee on the lawns, enjoy a vegan lunch and then a walk together in meditation around these stunning gardens.
Returning to the marquee for a sound healing with 7 Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls,  Gong, Chimes and more.
Plenty of time to take in this peaceful place, stay locally and enjoy the area, beaches and perhaps visit the Swannery too, or just come along for the day.

Wednesday 25th September 2024 £88 – spaces 

10am Arrive at Abbotsbury and take the gorgeous walk to the marquee
10.30am Breathwork, Meditation & Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Mixed Ability
12.30pm Delicious Vegan Lunch inside or on the lawn if weather allows
1.30pm Walking Meditation around the Sub-Tropical Garden Paradise
2.15pm Sound Healing with 7 Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls & Gong Bath
3.30pm Vegan Cake & Chai Tea
4pm Day ends! 

Book  September Tranquility Yoga Day Retreat Now

Saturday 12th – Sunday 13th October 2024
10-4pm £250
Access your Akashic Records
Awaken Heal Ascend

The Akashic Records are a vast cosmic library that stores information about everything that has happened, is happening, or could happen in the future. Picture it as a kind of database existing in another dimension, holding the stories of all beings and things.

The course is held in Saira’s  cottage in Dorset. There are lots of places to stay locally and it’s just 13 minutes from Yeovil Junction station, 2hrs 15 mins from London Waterloo.

Bring a packed lunch, refreshments and cakes provided.



Friday 1st November 2024 7-9pm £18pp
Samhain Celebration Gong Bath with Saira
Moreton Village Hall, Dorset DT2 8RE

Spaces available 

Join this Friday evening gong bath and then again on Saturday 2nd November at Moreton for a yoga day retreat! Book both together for £70, see ticket options here.

Join me for a beautiful way to celebrate Samhain, the traditional Celtic festival we now call Halloween! Join me for a love filled evening with blissful Sound Healing!



Schedule for the evening:

6.45pm Arrive at Moreton
7pm Meditation, Mantra and Intention Setting For Beltane Energies
7.15pm Sound Healing with Bowls and Gong
8.45pm Vegan Cake Treats and Chai Tea
9pm Evening Ends


Saturday 2nd November 10-4pm  £55pp!!
Activate Your Awakening
Moreton Village Hall, Dorset DT2 8RE

Join this Saturday yoga day retreat at Moreton and also the Friday evening gong bath so you have a weekend retreat for a teeny cost!
Book both together for £70, see ticket options here.

A yoga day retreat, or full weekend with Friday evening too.
We are experiencing incredible new energy and light codes at this transitional time in human history. Its impossible not to be aware of the shifts and changes that are occurring on our planet at this time, we are being awakened from the core and although this process can at times be difficult, challenging and uncomfortable, its also a beautiful time to be here on Earth and to witness the changes that have been prophesied by ancient cultures over the aeons.

Astrological shifts, moving through the Galactic Sheet through the Precession of the Equinoxes, allowing in pure Light that is entering our us on a cellular level, this retreat will empower you, bring healing and support you in understand what is happening and a full recharge of your soul battery to help you stay strong through all that is occurring and all that is yet to come. This is a powerful, exciting time, coming together in community, sharing time as a tribe of awakened souls is wonderful, whether you feel isolated or a part of the changes, this day or weekend retreat will be a wonderful, high vibrational space to be in with Saira.

This is one of my super popular ‘bring your own lunch’ retreats day. A beautiful day with exactly the same offerings as all my other retreats but at a fraction of the cost, no less Mellulah magic though!

Schedule for this Awakening day:

10am Arrive at Moreton
10.30am Breathwork, Meditation & Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Mixed Ability
12.30pm Bring your own lunch to sit together and enjoy
1.45pm Meditation and relaxation
2.15pm Sound Healing with 7 Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls & Gong Bath
3.30pm Vegan Cake & Chai Tea
4pm Day ends!


More day retreats will be coming soon Go on the mailing list to hear first! 



Please contact us to talk about our yoga day retreats, any questions at all or to discuss travelling to us, staying locally or any health conditions you have that may affect your enjoyment of the day.

Yoga Day Retreats in Dorset


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