Join my Angelic Healing Light Daily Distant Healing Group on Facebook to receive daily healing energy x Follow the link above to join the group.
Everyday I sending healing to everyone in the group, you can sit and receive anytime by tuning in, or trust it will reach you when the time is right, you’re also welcome to join and send healing too if you wish.
I’m a Reiki master teacher and I’ve been working with angelic healing energy since 2004 when I starting seeing and hearing Light-beings, the experience changed my life and set me on a path that has been a true adventure ever since.
We are moving through a planetary shift now that will bring great change to us all, it will be challenging for many but in time, our world will be more peaceful and equal, we will look back and remember this time we are experiencing now, as the turning point.
We need healing for ourselves, others and the planet, I hope you can join my group and enjoy this celestial energy to help you through this shift.
If you would like to join without being part of the FB group, please give me your name, you can also add friends and family names too, there is no limit to how much energy there is to share!
Love Saira xx