Starseed Healing for Lightworkers & Warriors

Starseed Healing for Lightworkers & Warriors with Saira

Distant Healing, Clearing Meditation live on zoom or on a recording to release past lives and Lightworker wounds/witch wounds of persecution, abuse and all ways you may have suffered in previous incarnations as a healer/psychic/medium/lightworker etc

You missed the live meditation but you can buy it below for £5. Once purchased you will receive a link to YouTube to watch again and again, link in confirmation page after payment


The Plight of Starseeds

Join me for this powerful Starseed Healing Clearing & Releasing Meditation.

Starseeds, beings from evolved races, have come to Earth to aid in its ascension, but the experience has been fraught with challenges. 

Their sensitivity to humanity’s shadow aspects, such as negativity, violence, and ego, can lead to deep suffering. Many, driven by their inherent light and love, have found themselves in difficult situations or relationships due to a lack of boundaries. 

The naive expectation of finding universal love often clashes with the harsh realities of human behaviour. Some Starseeds withdraw, unable to fulfil their purpose due to mistrust and fear. Others grapple with accepting and integrating human shadows, working diligently to transcend their own negativity for collective upliftment. 

Starseeds from high-frequency races, like the Lemurians, face a particularly challenging journey on Earth. The corruption and deception on Earth are glaring to Starseeds, causing frustration and isolation. 

Those who have suffered may shut down their third eye centers, feeling lost and disconnected from their purpose. 

Many in our spiritual community resonate with these shared struggles.

Clearing Past Life Traumas as a Healer

Starseeds, healer, light workers and warriors in any form here on Earth, can work to clear the past life traumas and imprints that are causing us to shut down, be afraid and

For starseeds, it unveils moments of persecution for working with light energies throughout history. 

Earth’s challenges stem from the trauma endured by our ancestors, persecuted for spiritual gifts during eras like the witch hunts. These deep wounds create imprints in our karma, hindering our soul journey, and the Akashic Records offer a means to clear these imprints and transmute karma for greater freedom in this lifetime.

Calling on the Lemurian Christ Healing Rays we will bring in Light healing to activate a deep soul healing for all who attend this meditation, asking that any trauma imprints of persecution of any kind are released from your energy field.

More about this Starseed Healing for Lightworkers & Warriors with Saira

I will send distant healing and it will be received by you wherever you are, the session will be recorded and available to watch anytime and the healing intention will reach you whenever you watch. Sign up to receive a replay.
I’ve been working with healing since 2004 and have recently been introduced to the Lemurians and their Christ Healing Rays, that came through on 11th January 2023 as the comet drew closer to Earth and brought this blessing of Light with it.
These new codes are very beautiful, extremely simple to work with and release deep karmic wounds and shadow energies that might be interfering with your life in this current dimensional space here on Earth.
Since starting these zoom online healings April 2020, I have had so many wonderful stories of how they have helped you and as each one is recorded and you can watch again anytime, I know many of you watch over and over again when one has resonated with you deeply.

Archangel Metatron has  also been guiding me for some time now, sharing ways to help you all with new techniques and tools to bring you greater and more abundant healing at this time.

This is a deep, pure, intense vibrational work, using Sacred Geometry and working through multi-dimensions to bring you healing on many frequency levels, clearing past life traumas, blocks, contracts, entities, cords and anything that is standing in the way of you releasing and being able fulfil your soul purpose here on Earth as a Starseed.

Each of you will be brought in and held in Light, I will then process through the Healing Rays and you are very likely to feel energy moving through you as you sit or lie to enjoy the session.

I have shared all the previous Distant healing meditations recordings on my Youtube, please check them out the healing will be received by you whenever you watch/listen, enjoy!

All are welcome, all are freely and abundantly held in Light.

Please feel free to get in touch to let me know any specific needs for healing light each week.

Join the Facebook Event for this meditation for
more info and to stay in touch 


The Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group on Facebook

Feel free to join my Healing Group the Lemurian Christ Healing Rays Distant Healing Group where your name is then added to my healing list, I send most days.

Please also listen to some previous meditations where the healing is received whenever you listen here 

Feel free to get in touch to request specific healing or to ask for it to reach friends and family.

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse

Some of what others have said after joining me for a distant healing guided meditation

Here’s what some of those who joined the last healing on 30th March 2023 said straight after the healing came to a close on zoom:

Manjeet –  That was so beautiful. Thank you! 🙏❤️🤗
Pam G – Thank you Saira!
Angela – Thanks so much xx
Shivani – That was awesome! thank you so much Saira x
Sammy – thank you xx
Jo – Thank you xxx
Tania – Many thanks, this was so powerful x
Katie – Thank you Saira xx
Debs – Wonderful, thank you so much 💓
Marina -Thank you Saira 🥰
Kelly – Thank you so much, that was beautiful. Lots of love and thanks xxx
Sara -Thank you Saira … much love xx
Sarah – Beautiful! Thank you Saira 🙂
Penny – Thank you, so beautiful x
Patricia – Thank you sooo much, Beautiful!!✨
Jacqueline -Thank you 💕💕💕🌸🌸🌸
Janet -Thanks so much, Saira xx
Beccy – Thank you, it was beautiful. The colours of blue I saw were amazing. xxx
Sara – Good night everyone … sleep well.  Yes my dogs enjoyed the healing too. xx

More feedback from my distant healings:

Thank you so much for yesterday’s wonderful session. You created such a beautiful healing space, I am going through quite a lot at the moment and it was exactly the calm that I needed. 🌈 It was lovely to meet you and really looking forward to joining future sessions. Thank you for the beautiful healing 🙏 “Kat

“Many thanks for this healing offering tonight. It was beautiful and full of love! I do hope to meet you soon in person x” Tania

Wow saira-that hit me straight away, I could feel my throat tighten and my tears building. I needed to hear that, I needed to feel that-I felt like I was really stretching out for it. This for me is one of your absolute best and I think it will be the place I keep going back too. Thank you for such amazing words Saira and a place I need to be now showing me faith! I feel so emotional xxx” Emma,

“Wow! So powerful. Can’t remember the last time I sobbed so much. A much needed release indeed.  Thank you for sharing this xx” Rob

“Hi. I just wanted to thank you for your recent angelic meditation recording. I saved it a while ago but only just had some quiet time today to listen to it. It was absolutely beautiful and even though I didn’t realise it before, I needed it so badly. I had tears rolling down my cheeks during it. Thank you so much” Anon 

“I just wanted to thank you and Annabelle for the healing last night. I have been in pain for a few days now. After the meditation, which I actually slept through, my pains have all disappeared! See you again soon! xxxAnt 

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse


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